- Admission to the hostel is available to all the students subject to availability of the accommodation.
- Admission is restricted to the duration of the course one is admitted to.
Terms & Conditions:
- The prescribed fee for the the duration of the course is to be paid in advance through a Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Kolkata. No cash payment will be accepted.
- A student, once admitted, will not be permitted to leave the hostel mid-term. However, as a special case, the Institute may permit a boarder to leave the hostel, but no refund of the fee paid will be made.
- Outsiders, whether friends or relatives of the boarders, will not be allowed to reside in the hostel.
- The admission to the hostels and allotment of rooms will be entirely at the discretion of the Institute.
Procedure for Application:
- Application in the prescribed format should be submitted to the Institute.
- Once a hostel is allotted, the student will be allotted a bedroom (double or triple seated) on presentation of the hostel admission slip issued to him/her by the Institute.
- The allottee will report to the Hostel Superintendent for taking occupation of the seat allotted to him/her. He/she will submit a joining report through the Superintendent to the Director, soon after his/her occupation of the seat and confirm in writing in the prescribed form that he/she has read and acquainted himself/herself with the rules of the hostels.
Caution money of Rs. ……….. (rupees………………………..) and Mess Deposit of Rs. ………………(rupees …………………………..) or such amounts fixed by the authorities from time to time are to be deposited by every boarder with the office of the Director of the Institute at the time of admission. The deposits will be refunded when the boarder finally leaves the hostel, on production of a clearance certificate from the Superintendent showing that all the dues have been paid.
- The Annual Hostel Rent of Rs. ………..(rupees ……………………) and Annual Furniture Rent of Rs. …………(rupees ………………………..) or such rates as fixed by the Government of India from time to time are to be paid by each student at the time of admission. These charges are payable in full only by those who have taken regular courses extending to a period of six months or longer. Proportionate charges are payable by the students undergoing courses for less than 6 months.
- Every hostel student should pay in advance, the Establishment Charges of Rs. ……(rupees …………………….) per month or as revised by the authorities from time to time. Boarders will also pay the miscellaneous charge at the scheduled rate for the Singur Hostel during their field training at Singur.
- The hostel dues must be cleared before admission to the hostel. Failure to pay the total dues on account of hostel accommodation with previous permission of the Officer or rank not below Deputy Director for deferred payment, if any, the defaulting student is liable for cancellation of his/her admission to the hostel and/or a fine. The caution money may be forfeited and credited to the Government account.
- Schedule for other charges:
- a) Daily messing charge – as notified from time to time
- b) Monthly messing charge – as notified from time to time
- c) Any other as notified – as notified from time to time
General Administration
- Administrative charge of the hostel will rest with the Hostel Warden who will be responsible for order and discipline, subject to ultimate control by the Director.
- All hostel students are requested to be in the hostel by 22.00 hrs. All those returning to hostel after 22.00 hrs. shall sign their names in the gate book kept with the Durwan, stating clearly the time of their return. If any hostel student stays outside beyond the stipulated hours without previous permission of the concerned Superintendent or without satisfactory reason, his/her name will be reported to the Director for suitable disciplinary action. The students who desire to remain absent from the hostel for more than 24 hrs., shall also obtain prior permission of the concerned Hostel Superintendent in writing.
- A conduct register shall be kept by the concerned Hostel Superintendents, in which the names of hostel students will be entered in all case of serious misconduct. Entries once made will not be altered or cancelled, except under the signature of the Director.
- The students shall in no case, exploit for use the services of the hostel staff for personnel work within or outside the hostel premises.
- Complaints against the hostel staff, if any, shall be made to the concerned Hostel Superintendent in writing. Boarders shall restrain themselves from taking any disciplinary action against the staff of their own.
- Boarders are liable to disciplinary action, including removal from hostel or Institute for infringement of rules, disobedience of orders and any form of misconduct. Irregularity in paying meal charges will be considered a breach of discipline for which the boarder is liable to be removed from the hostel.
- The hostel students are advised, in the interest of safety and security of their property, not to leave the doors/windows unlocked when they go out, even for a short while. They should lock both the cupboards and their rooms. Further, they are advised not to keep ornaments, money and other valuables in the room.
- The students will make their own arrangements for a lock for room.
- Silence should be observed after 22.00 hrs., and there shall be no disturbance to the fellow students.
Water and Electric Installation:
- Sanitary blocks should be used with due regard and consideration to the subsequent users. These facilities should be left dry, clean and hygienic after use.
- All water taps should be closed completely and begins left clean after use.
- All lights and fans must be switched off before the occupants leave a room.
- If a room that has been locked, is found with lights or fans on, a fine of Rs……(rupees………………..) per day on each occasion will be imposed on the occupant or occupants of the room. The facilities may also be disconnected.
- Electric bulbs and fittings must not be changed or modified by the students without prior permission of the concerned Hostel Superintendent. Violation of this rule will be treated as an act of misconduct and disciplinary action will be taken.
- Electric bulbs will be supplied for each room by the Government only at the beginning of teaching session, i.e., in the month of July, when the rooms are allotted to the students. In the event of the bulb being fused, replacement shall be arranged by the occupants at their own cost.
- Any damage to or non-functioning of the electrical fittings in the rooms, passages, halls etc., must be returned at once to the concerned Hostel Superintendent, who will take necessary measures to set it right.
- The use of electrical appliances such as hot plate, iron, table fan, etc., in the hostel room is prohibited. Any one found using any such appliance will be liable to disciplinary action and the appliance will be removed and/or confiscated by the Superintendent. The possession of any of the above appliance will be taken as being intended for use.
Visitors and Other Non-Residents
- No visitor or guest is permitted except in the common room and only upto 22.00 hrs. After that time, specific permission of the concerned Hostel Superintendent is essential to meet a visitor.
- Similarly, lady guests or visitors can be entertained only in the Ladies’ Common Room.
- Any illness should be promptly reported to the concerned Hostel Superintendent for necessary action. Sickness register shall be maintained by the concerned Hostel Superintendent.
- If a boarder is seriously ill or suffering from any infectious disease, the local relations/guardians will be informed immediately. Information will also be sent to the permanent address. The sick student may be immediately removed by the concerned Hostel Superintendent into a hospital in consultation with the Medical Officer.
- Medical and health facilities are detailed in the prospectus of the Institute.
- Mess is compulsory except when exempted by the Director.
- The boarding facilities provided through the contractor appointed for the purpose is compulsory. No one will be permitted to bring meal or other food or dish from outside.
- A Mess Committee shall be constituted by the hostel students in each academic year. It shall consist of a Chairman, a Secretary and three members, and –
- The Hostel Superintendent shall be the Ex-Officio Chairman of the Mess Committee. The Secretary and three members will be elected by the hostel students among themselves. Lady Superintendent will be a permanent invitee for all the meetings, etc. of the Committee.
- The Mess Committee shall also be responsible for the proper and satisfactory management of all the lodging and related arrangements.
- The decision of the Mess Committee in regard to lodging and related matters shall be final and binding on all the boarders, provided these are not inconsistent with or contradictory to the rules framed by the Director of the Institute. In case of dispute, decision of the Director shall be final.
- All decisions of the Mess Committee shall be by a majority of votes. The Chairman will not generally vote except in the case of a tie.
- If, on the report of the Chairman, the Director is satisfied that the Mess Committee is not working properly, the Committee may be dissolved by the Director of the Institute and alternative arrangements or reconstitution of the Mess Committee may be made.
- Schedule for mess charges should be prominently exhibited in the dining hall, at the Calcutta and Singur hostels.
- The mess charge per student per month will be Rs……. Approximately or as notified by the Administrative Officer from time to time. All boarders are requested to pay the mess charges to the contractor.
- Mess charges should be paid within three days of the end of the month in cash by regular boarders and advance by the casual residents/lodgers. The approved schedule of the rate for monthly, daily meal/.item used, etc. shall be exhibited in the dining hall notice board.
- The students should leave the plates, table and floor clean, and help to maintain a high standard of cleanliness in the room.
- The boarders shall take their meals, snacks etc. only in the dining hall, except when they are ill and/or confined to bed.
- In the case of sickness of a boarder, suitable diet as prescribed by the physician may be provided subject to availability to facilities etc. Charges, if any, incurred beyond the usual mess charge will be borne by the sick boarders.
- Alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited in the hostel premises. The students found in possession of such drinks shall be liable to disciplinary action.
- The boarders will be provided with a dry lunch packet if asked for well in advance, when they are out on field visit and do not expect to return at lunch. Their shall be no extra charges for such packets given in lieu of regular meal.
- The following hours of meals, etc. should be strictly observed-
- Morning tea (in dining hall) – 06.00 hrs. -06.30 hrs.
- Breakfast – 07.30 hrs – 09.00 hrs.
- Lunch – 12.30 hrs. – 14.30 hrs.
- Evening tea – 16.30 hrs. – 17.30 hrs.
- Dinner – 20.00 hrs. – 21.30 hrs.
The above timings are subject to the condition that they do not clash with the classes and other training programmes. In case of clash of time, the students are advised to bring the same to the notice of the concerned Hostel Superintendent.
- The rules are subject to alteration and modification from time to time. Any case or matter not covered by the rules will be decided by the Director of the Institute.
- By ‘full term’ is meant full one year from 1st May/1st July to 30th April and 30th June of the following year. By ‘short term’ is meant duration of the three months or six months course as the case may be.
- There will be a Welfare Committee consisting of four members who shall be elected by the students from among themselves. Hostel Warden will be the Ex-Officio Chairman of the Committee. The composition of the committee will be as follows:-
- Hostel Warden – Ex-Officio Chairman
- Women Students’ Representative – One
- Men Students’ Representative – Three
- The hostel office located on the ground floor of the old hostel will remain open from 09.30 hrs to 17.00 hrs. with a lunch break from 11.30 hrs. to 12.30 hrs. On holidays and outside office hours, Superintendent / Lady Superintendent on duty will be available for any emergency.
- The hostel telephone facilities are meant for official use only.
- Papers, magazines, sports material provided in the Common Room should not be removed from there.